Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month, the webinar will center around a different african country and include wonderful presentations about theatre, theatre practitioners, researcher and teachers.
Organized from Prof. Dr. Mercy Mirembe Ntangaare from the Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda and Prof. Marion Kuester from the hmt Rostock, Germany the webinar series will have 12 different sessions in 2021.
The 1sth session at the 17th of February 2021 focussed on Rituals of self-presentation, protection, and preservation and included talks about Rituals from Uganda.
The 2nd session will take place in the 17th of March 2021 and is open for everyone interested.
The session focusses on Togolese theatre: from rituals to modernity! and includes speakers from the University of Lomé, Togo like Dr. Akondo Nouhr.
UTC: 16 00 hrs
TOGO: 16.00 hrs
BERLIN: 17 00 hrs
KAMPALA: 19 00 hrs
This session about Togolese theatre and traces the development of Togolese theatre from traditional and ritual performances to the Modern forms of theatre that have taken form after colonisation and the period of independence in Togo. The purpose is to bring out the theatrical characteristics of traditional practices, dances and rituals. The communication will shed light on how rituals and traditional festivals remain as rich and resourceful reservoir of artistic inspiration from which modern artists, directors and playwrights can fetch substance and shape for vibrant form of theatre rich with local colour in a globalizing world. Starting from rituals and traditional festivals, I will proceed to look at the modern and contemporary forms of Togolese theatre and the influence it seems to take from European cultures.

Register now with an Email to marion.kuester@hmt-rostock.de or connect to the webinar on the 17th of March at your local time by clicking on this Link ZOOM
This project aims
1.To share concepts of African drama and theatre globally as part of Africa’s contribution to world sources of knowledge and practice in drama and theatre.
2.To establish closer contacts, mutual, and professional relationships among drama and theatre practitioners in educational institutions in Africa and with the rest of the world.
3.To contribute towards efforts to mainstream Africa and Africans into world debates and agendas on drama and theatre forms and practice.
4.To contribute towards the decolonization hence liberation of Africa and the African mind from perpetual dependency on the West for cultural values and identities.